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Sunday Program 4th December

  • Avanti Fields School Colin Grundy Drive Leicester, England, LE5 1FY United Kingdom (map)

Gita Jayanti 2022

The divine appearance of the Bhagavad Gita

Hare Krishna Dear Devotees

Gita Jayanti is the day the Bhagavad Gita was spoken.
On Sunday 4th December 2022, celebrations will begin at 1pm with a Recitation of the Bhagavad Gita with chapter summaries concluding with Kirtan and prashadam

Gita Jayanti Sponsorship Information

Alter Decoration £101
Madhava's Garland £51
Srimati Radharani Garland £51
Lord Nityananda’s Garland £51
Lord Chaitanya’s Garland £51
Srila Prabhupada’s Garland £51
Prashadam £501
Radha Madhava's Breakfast £25
Radha Madhava's Dinner £25

You may also sponsor Bhagavad Gita books, which will be distributed to schools around the city.
5 copies - £25
10 copies - £55
25 copies - £111
51 copies - £208
101 copies £408

Donations can be sent via BACS
ISKCON Leicester, Lloyds TSB Bank,
Sort code: 30-99-21 Account number: 01463646

Or you can Visit for more info: Support ISKCON Leicester

For more information contact Saci Tanaya Das: 07737280077

November 27

Sunday Program 27th November

December 11

Sunday Program 11th December